Important Dates
15 July 2023
31 July 2023
21 August 2023
Registration Fee

a) Two pre-conference workshops are held concurrently on 20 August 2023 (8:30 AM - 5:00 PM). Thus, each delegate can only register for and participate in one workshop. Due to room capacity, each workshop has a limit of 40 participants with first-come-first-served basis.
The fee includes:
Meals (morning and afternoon teas, and lunch),
Workshop materials,
Please refer to each workshop poster (click HERE) for further details.
b) The fee includes:
Conference kit;
Day 1-3 meals (morning and afternoon teas, and lunches);
Gala Dinner on Day 1 evening;
Bogor City Tour and Bogor Botanical Gardens on Day 2 morning;
Transportation from IICC to IPB University and return on Day 3;
Tree planting activity on Day 3 morning.
It excludes airfares, accommodation on Day 1-3, other ground transportation, and fieldwork programs from Day 3 afternoon to Day 5 morning.
c) Only opening ceremony, closing ceremony, and certain academic presentation sessions will be available in hybrid format for delegates to join virtually. Other sessions will be held fully physically in Bogor (Indonesia).
d) Each delegate can only be the author (including co-author role) of maximum two (02) papers. Delegate is required to register first before submitting an extended abstract to the organizers via Payment shall only be made after receiving the decision on the extended abstract.
Beside presenting the extended abstract, the fee also includes all benefits similar to (b).
e) Each delegate can only be the author (including co-author role) of maximum two (02) papers. Delegate is required to register first before submitting an extended abstract to the organizers via Payment shall only be made after receiving the decision on the extended abstract.
Beside presenting the extended abstract, the fee also includes all benefits similar to (c).
**Please note that the number of virtual presentations are limited to 40 slots with first-come-first-served basis.
f) Both delegates and non-delegates are welcome to join the responsible tourism fieldwork to build connection and networking with other delegates and local community.
The fee includes:
Two-night accommodation at shared dormitories inside the national park (Extra charge is implied for single room request. Please contact for further details/arrangements.),
Transportation from IPB University Dramaga Campus (venue of Closing Ceremony) to the national park on Day 3 afternoon and return to IICC/Jakarta airport on Day 5 morning,
Food and beverages,
Entrance fee, souvenir, tour guides, trekking trails, art performances, and other activities.
g) ​Presenting delegate who wishes to have their work published in the SCOPUS-indexed conference proceedings must express their intention when filling in the registration form:
After the extended abstract is submitted, reviewed, and accepted for presentation, the author will then be invited to prepare and submit a full manuscript to the submission system (details will be shared via email).
Publication process fee shall be made together with other types of registration fee.
This payment is non-refundable.
The organizers will work closely with the authors to ensure the submitted manuscripts are successfully published.
h) Gala dinner is included in the package of delegates who participate physically. Should any non-ICRTH2023 delegate (e.g., a companion of a delegate) wish to join the gala dinner, please contact us via
i) For more information about the group rate, please feel free to contact us via
Payment Guidelines
Payment shall only be made after delegates receive the confirmation from the secretariat including the total registration fee they should pay.
Payment method for Indonesian delegates is bank transfer, and for non-Indonesian delegates is bank transfer or PayPal. Transaction fee (if any) must be borne by the delegates. Detailed guidelines will be included in the confirmation email together with the total fee.
For presenting delegates (both physical and virtual), payment shall only be made after receiving the decision on the extended abstract.
Should you have any inquiries, please contact us via
All payment is non refundable for cancellation requests received from 14 calendar days before the day of the event.